GAS POINT distribution points are equipped with easy-to-mount stainless steel casing enclosures that envelop components to ensure maximum protection. Markings on the enclosure are built into it without the use of labels which could detach over time.

  • The models for oxygen, acetylene and propane are equipped with a dual safety valve against flame and gas returns.
  • The inlet connection is G3/8 male and is equipped with a G1/4 ball cut-off valve with inspecting filter. At outlet, the connection is G3/8 with hose connection.
  • The pressure control gauges are 63 mm diameter and allow for easy reading of the internal scale.

I riduttori di pressione inclusi nei nostri gas point, sono dotati di capsula di alta pressione con filtro sinterizzato in ingresso e sono tutti provvisti di valvola di sicurezza. L’elevata precisione di erogazione li rende idonei in tutte le applicazioni di saldatura e taglio.

code 190800

code 190860


CODEDescriptionOutletP1 (bar)P2 (bar)Q1 (m 3 /h)Weight (kg)No.Pcs.
190800GAS POINT O2 + F.A.V.3/83010301.751
CODEDescriptionOutletP1 (bar)P2 (bar)Q1 (m 3 /h)Weight (kg)No.Pcs.
190820GAS POINT C 2 H 2 + F.A.V.3/81.51.551.851
190830GAS POINT C 3 H 8   + F.A.V.3/864101.91
190840GAS POINT h 2  ch 4 + F.A.V.3/83010301.851
CODEDescriptionOutletP1 (bar)P2 (bar)Q1 (m 3 /h)Weight (kg)No.Pcs.
190860GAS POINT ARGON/CO 2 without  F.A.V.3/830432 L/min1.751
190870GAS POINT INERT GASES without  F.A.V.3/83010301.751